World Disability Day

World Disability Day

As done the previous year, Vaishishtyam organized a 3-day event (from 1st to 3rd Dec., 2016) to commemorate the World Disability Day (3rd Dec.) or the International Day of People with Disability. Vaishishtyam itself serving over 200 children suffering from...
Quarterly Eye Camp

Quarterly Eye Camp

Every quarter of every single year for almost a decade, PSP has been conducting free health camps (polio, cataract, and dental) at VatsalyaGram – Vrindavan exclusively for the impoverished members of the community and the lesser privileged. PSP’s unique...
Movement of Eradication of Social Discrepancies

Movement of Eradication of Social Discrepancies

In many remote regions of India, the light of education and knowledge has not shown even today. Didi Maa thinks that many tribes that have remained backward in the race of development should be brought into the light and has pledged to make efforts to do so. Large...
Save the Girl Child Movement

Save the Girl Child Movement

In the wake of traditions based on gender bias and futile concepts, there has been constantly running a devilish show of female feticide in the country of Durga. That is why there has been a gender imbalance in the population. To check this, Param Shakti Peeth has...
Awareness Movement for National Security

Awareness Movement for National Security

India is not only exposed to dangers from neighboring countries but also from the internal enemies in the form of corruption and such other evils. The present need is the elimination of evil that corrupts the system of the country. In order to protect the civilization...